• Tooth Whitening Options Explained

Tooth Whitening Options Explained - Honolulu Dentist - Ala Moana Dental Car Back to the top

Tooth Whitening Options Explained

Tooth whitening occurs when the hydrogen peroxide molecule breaks down and the resulting by-products react with the complex organic molecules (stain) in the tooth enamel to make them lighter.

The important factors that influence how well the whitener will work are the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, the stability of the hydrogen peroxide, and how long the hydrogen peroxide remains on the enamel.

When choosing the best way to whiten your teeth, it is important to use a very high quality product so you don't damage your enamel in the process. Also, the amount of time the whitener is in contact with the enamel is such an important factor.

Whitening strips and homemade trays allow you to keep the hydrogen peroxide in contact with the teeth longer but it may not contact all surfaces of the teeth. This could result in uneven whitening and may also overlap onto the gums which leads to irritation. Homemade trays are bulky and you may end up swallowing a lot of the whitening gel which is also irritating to the tissues.

If you choose to go with a dentist supervised whitening, it is important that your dental office has done a lot of these procedures and pays attention to all the details.

Your gums should be properly protected and your custom trays meticulously fabricated for home use. Needless to say, they should also use a high quality whitener.

At Ala Moana Dental care, we offer complimentary consultations to see if whitening may be right for you. We'll discuss some options with you and help guide you towards a more brighter smile. Contact us today to get started!

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